Anna Skowronska
Maria Helena Brum
Adriana Mayer
Dr Izabela Drazba
Joana Alice Roncon Leotte de Massa Babo
Daniel Cordero Banos
Norrie Graham

Getting the correct paperwork Experts in Inspection We have a number of vets who deal with certification for Pet Passports and Kennel Inspections. We request that owners hoping to travel abroad leave plenty of time to organise passports and check the DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural affairs) website for the latest travelĀ requirements.
Soft Tissue Surgery

Muscular repair & tumour removal Soft Tissue Expertise We perform a large spectrum of soft tissue procedures ranging from routine neutering, bitch caesareans to ear and eye procedures. More complex cases are also welcome for example: BOAS (upper airway surgery) Complex wound reconstruction Oncologic surgery Parotid duct transposition (for dry eyes in dogs)
Orthopaedic Surgery

Fixing your pet’s bones Orthopaedic Expertise We have a dedicated full equipped orthopaedic theatre and are able to treat a wide range of orthopaedic problems including: Traumatic Bone Fractures Cruciate Ligament Injuries Patella Luxation Osteoarthritis Hip and Elbow Dysplasia